The Background Check Program supports NC State in its commitment to providing a safe and secure environment for its students, faculty, staff, visitors, and other constituents and protecting its funds, property, and other assets. The ability to provide this security is facilitated, in part, by well-informed hiring decisions. Our program contributes to these decisions by performing and assessing criminal background checks for persons selected for initial employment with the University, as well as current employees who change jobs or otherwise become subject to background checks. During the background check process, we also verify a candidate’s educational qualifications and maintain these verifications as part of the employee record.
Our program also plays a key role in ensuring compliance with Federal, State, Local and University regulations related to the employment of individuals who must hold a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) in order to perform their job duties; this includes the management of a drug and alcohol testing program, facilitation of education, and additional pre-employment screening measures.
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- Background Check Procedures
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